Recanalization and reuse of early occluded radial artery within 6 days after previous transradial diagnostic procedure.
Babunashvili A, Dundua D Late radial artery (RA) thrombosis occurs in 3-9% after transradial interventions. RA occlusion has made this approach unsuitable for repeat interventions and obviated the need for alternative vascular access for catheterization, e.g. left RA (with certain risk of bilateral RA occlusion) or femoral artery with its shortcomings and, sometimes, life-thretening complications requiring surgical treatment (large groin haematoma, arterio-venous fistula or false aneurysm, retroperitoneal hemorrhage). We demonstrate the possibility of retrograde RA recanalization, dilatation and restoration of the RA patency within 6 days after first transradial coronary diagnostic catheterization complicated with acute RA occlusion. Thus, we were able to recanalize previously occluded RA and reuse it for repeat transradial coronary interventions.
Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2010 Oct 11. [Epub ahead of print]